Sunday, July 18, 2010

Home again

After almost 4 months of traveling, I'm home! I had such a fun time everywhere and I met so many new friends. When I got home my sisters, Lanora and Kaya and my brother Rosco gave me a little party. They'd really missed me.

Here I am in my new outfit from agfan84 and all the goodies that the hosts gave me when I was visiting with them. They were such a wonderful group of hosts and I had such a fun time!

Thanks to MrsMac, tinalala, romperoo, agfan84 and EofA for being such wonderful hosts. I had so much fun and I thank you all from the inmost parts of my muslin torso.


Friday, July 16, 2010

A visit to Pennsylvania

I got to visit with EofA in PA for a few weeks, and the photo story is ready!!

Click THIS LINK to see what I got to do in Pittsburgh. Lots of fun stuff with TONS of pictures! Thanks, EofA and little MissEofA!


Monday, June 28, 2010

Last entry from NY

Whew, I've had a busy time in New York with AGfan84. Here are a few photos of me helping agfan84 do a mock lesson in one of her classes. - The lesson is called 'naturalists' and the students are guided through movement based activities where they play/pretend to be 'naturalists'. I got to be the "Special Guest" - I role-played being an expert Naturalist who was the 'tour guide' for the students.

This next photo is me helping agfan84 study for her 'Assessment of Teaching Skills-Written' (NY state teacher certification exam)... A few days before this photo agfan84 had to go into the city for another certification related assignment and could only bring pencils, erasers and such, so I couldn't go :( Fortunately for me, she felt badly so she brought me back a souvenir... AGP NY shirt!!

Now off to PA to visit with EofA. I wonder what's in store for me there?


Monday, June 14, 2010

New outfit!

I arrived at agfan84's right after the girls there had all received custom made crocheted summer dresses by agfan84's mother. The girls all got to talking and felt that to really welcome me into their family, I deserved a custom summer outfit as well!

Without telling me their plan, they spent a few days getting to know me to try and figure out the perfect outfit. They decided a dress wouldn't really suit me, and opted for a shorts or pants outfit. Then agfan84 mentioned something about it being 'fleet week' and Nicki got all excited because her dress was sailor themed, and she said "Maggie Scout would look great in an outfit just like mine!!"

The other girls were a little disappointed because they ALL wanted me to be just like them, but it being fleet week and all, and wanting to give me something special, they decided to be the bigger 'people'. They elected Nicki to ask their 'Grandma' if she would be so kind as to make me an outfit. And of course Grandma agreed! So the girls and Grandma all worked together, sketching and picking out yarn, and secretly borrowing some of my things, to custom design and crochet an outfit that was just right.

-- When it was finished agfan84 felt like something was missing, I needed the perfect pair of shoes to go with my new outfit. -- Being a little matchy - outfit crazy, agfan84 decided that sending me off in an outfit with soccer cleats, and/or pink slip on sneakers (the pairs of shoes I'm traveling with) just wouldn't be right... and so she made me a pair of flip-flops to match my outfit. ---

When it was all finished, the girls presented the final product. I was so excited and honored that the girls of agfan84 had inducted me in to their gang.

Monday, May 31, 2010

NY Yankees game!

Even though AGfan84 (my host mom) is a Mets fan, her friend was given pretty nice seats to a Yankee game. Since Agfan84 has never been to Yankee stadium before (even before it was redone) and because I AM VISITING (of course), she thought it would be fun for us to go!!
They were playing the Cleveland Indians..which was funny because I just came from Ohio! Here I am at the game. I borrowed some clothes from my host sisters, I wanted to look a little sporty (which wasn't easy because they're all very girly girls!)
Bottom 2nd: NY Yankees - N. Swisher homered to right,
Swisher & R. Cano scored!!

Later we saw a GRAND SLAM!! (home run when bases are loaded)
In the bottom 7th: NY Yankees- R. Cano homered to deep right,
D. Jeter, C. Granderson and M. Teixeira scored

Doing the YMCA!

The final score was 8-2 YANKEES!!! Whoo hooo!!

I had a fun time. I wonder what else I'm going to get to do in New York?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Arrival in New York

Whoa, that was a quick trip! I spent less than two days slumbering in my traveling box. Here are some pictures of what happened next:

The girls at AGfan84's house discovered a box delivered to their house.
Kitty, Jacs, was curious about it too!

Samantha decided she'd take charge on this one because she usually gets lost in the shuffle and demanded that this time she's be first!
Here's the comfortable traveling box emerging from the carrier. The girls of AGfan84 could hardly contain themselves with excitement.
Of course, Jacs was filled with curiosity, not so much excitement.
Tada! It's me! The girls were happy so see me.
Kirsten was shocked to see me. She stared and stared and finally decided it could be a good thing to have a friend who looks just like you.
Check us out! We could pass for twins!

I'm looking forward to all the adventures I'm going to have with AGfan84 and her girls on Long Island, NY.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Last report from Ohio

Friday 5-21
I am pooped after spending all of yesterday out in that glorious sunshine! I guess I am thankful for the rain that's coming today. I need a little rest!

Romperoo and I spent the morning cleaning. Then I went to Miss L's school for "Speak and Learn." That's what they call "Show and Tell" here. The kids asked a lot of good questions about me and Miss L. told them about our adventures. I got to sit and have snack with the class (yogurt, anyone?) before I headed back home.

Miss L had promised to kick the soccer ball around with me after school today, but it was just too wet. I really haven't been exercising like I should have while I've been here in Ohio. So, I decided to give romperoo's pilates machine a try. Oh my gosh! My abs were on fire when I finished!

Saturday 5-22
Well, it's my last official day here in Ohio. And are we going to be busy! We started the day off at the Farmer's Market in Worthington. There's still not a lot of fresh veggies, so we got some eggs and some cheese. We also checked out one of romperoo's favorite vendors, Freckle Bear Lavender Farm. It smelled soooooo beautiful and almost made it seem like the sun was shining. As we were moseying down High Street, it really started pouring - thunder, lightning, the works. I was sad because I was hoping to see the gravesites of the Revolutionary War soldiers. I guess I will have to take a raincheck...

The girls surprised me that afternoon by having a goodbye party for me! It was so sweet. They all chipped in and gave me a Sillybandz bracelet to wear to remind me of the good times we had together. I will miss them lots.

We celebrated our final dinner at BW3. I nibbled on some chicken nuggets and watched the USA women's soccer team was playing against Germany. What an exciting game! USA won 4-0!

We got home and Mr. Romperoo decided that he wanted to play "The Scare Game." The Scare Game?!? That was a new one for me, but I was up for it.

This is how you play: The Scarer goes into the basement and hides somewhere. All the lights are off and it is VERY dark. Then, the Seekers go into the basement (which is still dark) and try to find the Scarer. When the Seekers get close, the Scarer jumps out and yells, "Aaaahhh!" Which usually sends the Seekers into fits of laughter. Mr. Romperoo is a big kid at heart and just loves this game.

It was so much fun! I was an excellent Scarer! Check out my photos!

Sunday 5-23
I am up early and packing. Romperoo has washed my face and brushed and re-braided my hair. Miss L has given me a big bear hug and a kiss and I am all ready to take off to my next adventure. Sure hope it doesn't rain...

I'm prepared and ready to head on my way to New York. I'll be glad for the bit of rest during the traveling process as I've had such a busy time in Ohio. Thank you Romperoo and family for showing me such a great time. I'll miss you all!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The North Market and OSU

Wednesday 5-19

More rain is on the docket for today. There's a little bit of sunshine right now, so romperoo and I are heading off to the North Market. During the drive down, Romperoo told me that when she first moved here, Columbus' North Market used to be just a big Quonset hut. There were just a few vendors there - a New York style pizzeria, a small jewelry store, a wine shop and a few others. I was not expecting this:
WOW! This place is the bomb-diggity - especially on a rainy day. There are tons of small shops to explore (can you find me in the flowers?) and just about every ethnic food you can imagine - Indian, Thai, Italian, Vietnamese. The air smells so fragrant with fresh fruit and fresh flowers. Oh, and did I mention desserts?
The North Market is a dieter's nightmare. Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream is located in the North Market. Maybe you saw them featured on Food Network? The Salty Caramel ice cream is one of their biggest sellers. I got a taste and could understand why! There are several stores that offer gorgeous handmade chocolates and there is even one vendor that sells, wait for it..wait for it, only CANDY! Um, why did we wait so long to come to this place?

We walked around until we got hungry and then had some curry and nan. I was so proud of myself - I didn't spill any on my clothes! We waddled out of the North Market just as the sprinkles started. But, I didn't care about the rain. The visit to the North Market made the day feel sunny! If you want to explore more of the North Market, you can visit their website.

Thursday 5-20

Romperoo is singing this morning, "Do do do do, Here comes the sun, do do do do."

Finally! A sunny day! We are going to spend the morning walking around the Short North, Victorian Village and go to The Ohio State University.

The Short North has gone through a major transformation in the last ten years. Ten years ago, you would not be walking down the streets during the night OR day. It was a very rough area. Then, people started cleaning up the area. The beautiful brick buildings started to house art galleries and restaurants. A Gallery Hop was started on Friday nights. More and more businesses moved in. Bed and Breakfasts opened in the previously dilapidated Victorian homes. They even have Segway tours!

Seventeen metal archways now span High Street. In the early 1900s, Columbus was known as “The Arch City.” This name was derived from the dozens of wooden arches, built in 1888 that crossed High Street. Back then, the arches were used to light the roadway. Later they became responsible for providing the electric power needed to run the city’s streetcars. In 1914 the famous arches were torn down and replaced with cluster lights. In 2002, nearly ninety years after their removal, the arches reappeared. The Short North It is truly a gem in this city!

We also walked around Victorian Village. (We did NOT take pics of houses - people in this neighborhood do not like pics posted unless they have permission) Victorian Village is a neighborhood located north of downtown. Most of the houses within the village were originally built in the early 1900s, when streetcars ran through that part of town. Some of the wealthier citizens wished for a location convenient to the train, so residences quickly sprang up in the area. Today some of the homes are historical landmarks. The architecture of these homes is so impressive. There is even a home built by a circus owner that is designed to look like a circus tent!

Lastly we stopped at The Ohio State University. We dodged hundreds and hundreds of students as they scurried all over the campus. Finally we got to our destination, The Ohio State Stadium or, "The 'Shoe" as it's more fondly known. It was built in 1922 and originally was shaped like a horseshoe. In 2001 it was refurbished for slightly more than $194 million, and as part of the renovation, the once portable South Stands became a permanent fixture. It's seating capacity is 102,329, and that makes Ohio Stadium the fourth largest on-campus facility in the nation. Attending games in Ohio Stadium has become a Saturday afternoon ritual for Ohio State fans, who flock to the parking lots early to enjoy the gala atmosphere and pageantry that surrounds each and every game.

Romperoo parked the car (Illegally, I might add.) and took a couple of pictures of me at the original stadium entrance. Gosh, it's pretty! You can almost imagine the sound of TBDBITL (OSU's "The Best Da** Band In The Land") echoing off the arches as they enter the stadium.

BTW, here is a picture of Brutus Buckeye, the mascot for OSU. Check out his band uniform!

Just a few more days in Ohio!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Downtown Columbus

Sunday 5-16
I am sitting down in the shade relaxing after two days of watching Miss L play in a soccer tournament. The weather finally cooperated and we had sunshine! Trouble is, I think I got a little sunburned. Romperoo has ordered me to stay in the shade and drink lots of water. Tomorrow the rain is supposed to start up again, but romperoo and I are going to head out somewhere beforehand.

Monday 5-17
It's a lovely morning and I am ready to paint the town red! Romperoo buckled me in the car and we were off! She is quite the stinker and refused to tell me what our adventure was going to be today!

I enjoyed looking out the window at all the tall buildings in downtown Columbus. Then I blinked my eyes a few times. Was that a crow's nest that I was looking at?!? It was! We were going to see the Santa Maria at Battelle Park! This is the world's most authentic, museum-quality replica of Christopher Columbus' 98' flagship here on the Scioto River in Columbus, Ohio! I couldn't get too close because there was a school tour going on, so we wandered about the boat and took a few outside pictures. Here is the website

We also walked around Battelle Park. It is home to The Children's Fountain, The Columbus Firefighter's Memorial and the Battelle Immigrant Statue.

While the sun was still shining, romperoo decided to visit another favorite spot of hers - German Village. German Village is a quaint community that was settled in the mid 1800's. In typical German fashion, the houses are close together. They are well-made, usually brick and very charming. Most houses have small gardens, wrought iron fences and limestone lintels at the windows.

You can walk all over around here - in fact, it's the best way to get around (Although, I am still fond of the getting carried around mode of travel!). But, you can still see remnants of the past. The brick streets are lined with limestone posts and steps that were used by carriages and horses in years past.
Did you know that the first Max and Irma's restaurant is in German Village? We had to settle for taking a picture of the outside of the building; we couldn't get inside because it was still too early in the morning. I peeked inside to try to see the sundae bathtub that romperoo was describing to me. Imagine that - a bathtub full of ice cream fixings!

We also took a walk down to Schiller Park in German Village. Beautiful Victorian mansions surround the city park. Their architectural details are so impeccable. Gorgeous stained glass windows, heavy slab oak doors, turrets and Juliet balconies are some of the details that can be found in these homes. The park is very vibrant with people walking their dogs and playing with their kids. It's almost like stepping back in time.

Romperoo said that she was excited to be able to see another Shakespeare in the Park production this summer. The park has a stage and features several musicals and other plays during the summer months. She said it is amazing to see Shakespeare being performed under a starlit sky.

We tried to make our way over to the Umbrella Girl fountain and then it started to thunder. We dashed back to the car just as the sky opened up on us! I never thought that I would be happy for more rain, but it's all good - I need a nap after all this busy-ness!

Tuesday 5-18
It has rained all afternoon and night. There is supposed to a little bit of a break, so romperoo is taking me downtown today!

First, we went to the Ohio Statehouse. But, we couldn't get in! There was a water main break and the roads to park were closed off. Romperoo tried to drive around and find a place to park, but it was packed. So, she promised to show me the statehouse website when we got home. It's a cool looking building that has ties to the Underground Railroad!Here's the website

Then we headed over to COSI (Center of Science and Industry).This is a hands-on science museum for kids of all ages. We walked all over looking at the exhibits. They even had the Titanic Exhibit that I went to a few weeks ago!

I loved the Space exhibit the best! You have to walk though a huge rotating cylinder that glows in the dark. I was so dizzy! They also had a High Wire unicycle. The High Wire Unicycle is a unique experience that allows you to pedal a unicycle on a 1.5 inch cable spanning 84 feet while 17 feet above ground.

What keeps you from falling? Balance. All objects have a center of mass. For stability, it is important to keep your center of mass over your base of stability (where your feet touch the ground). In the case of the High Wire Unicycle, the attached 250 pound weight lowers your center of mass to below your feet and below where the unicycle contacts the cable. This makes you so stable that it is impossible to fall.

Was I mad when I found out that I couldn't go on the High Wire Unicycle! Know why? You have to have a 28" inseam and mine is about 20" too short!

Silly romperoo forgot her camera in the car. So, I had to settle for a few pictures outside of COSI. Check it out. COSI is the #1 Science Center in the country! You can visit their website to take a virtual tour of the facility. If you ever get a chance, come see it. Like me, you will be impressed!

Guess's raining again. I think I'll play a game of cards with the girls.