Monday, April 5, 2010

Arrived in Oklahoma!

I have arrived in Oklahoma! I've been having a lot of fun helping around the house with the renovations (wait 'til you see the pictures!) and Kealoha (remember her?) and I are best friends now. Kealoha has taken me "under her wing" and is now my Traveling Doll mentor.

Kelaoha is sharing her vast experience with me, giving me tips on what to do while you're stuck in a shipping box for days, how to handle jealous dolls at people's houses when you're visiting, what to do when you get really homesick, how to make sure your stuff doesn't go missing and stuff like that.

I've been sleeping in a hammock (with a sleeping bag since it still gets chilly at night) on top of the doll cabinet - right next to Beauty (the horse) so I don't get homesick for all the animals at home.

More later!


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