More rain is on the docket for today. There's a little bit of sunshine right now, so romperoo and I are heading off to the North Market. During the drive down, Romperoo told me that when she first moved here, Columbus' North Market used to be just a big Quonset hut. There were just a few vendors there - a New York style pizzeria, a small jewelry store, a wine shop and a few others. I was not expecting this:

WOW! This place is the bomb-diggity - especially on a rainy day. There are tons of small shops to explore (can you find me in the flowers?)

The North Market is a dieter's nightmare. Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream is located in the North Market.

We walked around until we got hungry and then had some curry and nan. I was so proud of myself - I didn't spill any on my clothes!

Thursday 5-20
Romperoo is singing this morning, "Do do do do, Here comes the sun, do do do do."
Finally! A sunny day! We are going to spend the morning walking around the Short North, Victorian Village and go to The Ohio State University.
The Short North has gone through a major transformation in the last ten years. Ten years ago, you would not be walking down the streets during the night OR day. It was a very rough area. Then, people started cleaning up the area. The beautiful brick buildings started to house art galleries and restaurants. A Gallery Hop was started on Friday nights. More and more businesses moved in. Bed and Breakfasts opened in the previously dilapidated Victorian homes. They even have Segway tours!

Seventeen metal archways now span High Street.

We also walked around Victorian Village. (We did NOT take pics of houses - people in this neighborhood do not like pics posted unless they have permission) Victorian Village is a neighborhood located north of downtown. Most of the houses within the village were originally built in the early 1900s, when streetcars ran through that part of town. Some of the wealthier citizens wished for a location convenient to the train, so residences quickly sprang up in the area. Today some of the homes are historical landmarks. The architecture of these homes is so impressive. There is even a home built by a circus owner that is designed to look like a circus tent!
Lastly we stopped at The Ohio State University. We dodged hundreds and hundreds of students as they scurried all over the campus. Finally we got to our destination, The Ohio State Stadium or, "The 'Shoe" as it's more fondly known. It was built in 1922 and originally was shaped like a horseshoe. In 2001 it was refurbished for slightly more than $194 million, and as part of the renovation, the once portable South Stands became a permanent fixture. It's seating capacity is 102,329, and that makes Ohio Stadium the fourth largest on-campus facility in the nation. Attending games in Ohio Stadium has become a Saturday afternoon ritual for Ohio State fans, who flock to the parking lots early to enjoy the gala atmosphere and pageantry that surrounds each and every game.
Romperoo parked the car (Illegally, I might add.) and took a couple of pictures of me at the original stadium entrance.

BTW, here is a picture of Brutus Buckeye, the mascot for OSU. Check out his band uniform!

Just a few more days in Ohio!
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