Another rainy day here in the Buckeye State. Sadly, the weatherman has predicted more of the same tomorrow.
Romperoo and I started off the day cleaning and then baking cookies. We need the cookies for the reception after an orchestra concert tonight! I think this will be my first. Mr. C is playing the string bass tonight. Miss L has already picked out a very fancy outfit for me to wear.
Between the storms, romperoo drove to Chipotle and picked up some lunch. We took everything over to the Scioto Park in Dublin, Ohio. She wanted me to see the Leatherlips sculpture. Diligently, it sits high on a hill overlooking the Scioto River. I climbed all over the rocks and then took a break and had lunch! Here is more info on the sculpture

The Dublin Arts Council has some other, well, "crazy" installations. Check out the "Field of Corn". 109 huge ears of concrete corn. It's, um, interesting. I have to send a computer link because the rain started back up and we couldn't make it.
After soccer and lacrosse, we had a delicious dinner and then got gussied up for the concert. Mr. C did a great job playing and I was loving the cookies at the reception!
I need to call it a night. I am pooped!
Wednesday 5-12!
Last night I couldn't stop thinking about the Graeter's ice cream that was in the freezer. Yeah, I know that I had feasted on cookies after the concert. But when it comes to desserts, I am so weak.
So, I climbed out of Julie's bed, made it down the stairs, opened the fridge and there it was. A brand new, hand-packed pint of raspberry chocolate chip in all it's glory.

Unfortunately, I must have made a little too much noise, because romperoo came down the stairs and caught me in the act. She was pretty nice about the whole thing. She let me have one more spoonful and then it was back to bed!
It is raining again today. Now I know how Noah felt. We have pretty much had rain since Sunday night. It is putting a damper on our ability to tour the city.
Romperoo decided to take me someplace indoors today. Guess where? GRAETER'S!

Soccer practice is indoors tonight! Everything is too soaked!
More to come from Ohio!
What a cool expierence!!!!!!